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The technical calculation of castellated beams: overview of available literature

Extensively documented ....

A lot of literature is available concerning the methods that should be used for the technical calculation of castellated beams. We feel it is outside the scope of this website to cover the calculation method of castellated beams in full depth here. Therefore, we prefer to give an overview of the primary literature instead. For those who want to follow the development of the calculation method, we have also added an overview of (earlier) detailed literature. It is interesting to discover in this literature how - step by step - calculation methods were constantly being honed and further improved.

Naturally, nowadays the PC is used everywhere for the calculation of castellated beams. Examples of modern computer software for the calculation of castellated beams can be found, for example, on the websites of .....

Matrix Bouwtechnische Automatisering
(Matrix offers MatrixFrame® software for the calculation of steel constructions. This works as per the TGB-1990 and Eurocode-3. The program contains several main modules, including MatrixFrame® 3D-Frames. A special castellated beam module can be found in this module. By their own account: ".... contains a section library with castellated beams based on HEA and IPE-sections.")

Ing.-Software Dlubal GmbH
(Dlubal offers RSTAB for the steel constructor ("das universelle Statik-Paket"). This incorporates a powerful castellated beam module, which is described by the firm itself as follows: "Schon im Grundzustand enthält die Querschnitts-Bibliothek tausende Profile. Darunter sämtliche gängigen Stahlbauprofile, aber auch beispielsweise Wabenträger mit Peiner Schnittführung und Lochträger mit runden Öffnungen. Damit müssen Sie sich allerdings noch lange nicht begnügen. Jederzeit können Sie eigene Profile definieren und immer wieder aus jeder Position heraus darauf zurückgreifen.")

Overview of important manuals

1.   Wabenträger - Merkblatt 361 der Beratungsstelle für Stahlverwendung, Düsseldorf; 1e Auflage, 1967, 3r Auflage, 1976
2. Syllabus ...........; Hoofdstuk V: De berekening van raatliggers met de plasticiteitsleer; ......; pp.V-27 t/m V-61
3. Das, P.K. en Srimani, S.L.; Handbook for the design of castellated beams; Balkema, Rotterdam; 1985 (ISBN 90-6191-428-0)
4. Design of castellated beams, for use with BS 5950 and BS 449; Publication P005; The Steel Construction Institute, Ascot; 1985
(Provides the designer with design methods, safe load tables, and interaction curves to enable suitable castellated beam sizes to be selected and analysed. Ultimate capacities are included suitable for designs to limit state concepts, as given in BS 5950, whilst the safe load tables are based on permissible stresses in accordance with BS 449.)
5. Syllabus .......... Liggers ... Liggeraansluitingen ... Vierendeelliggers ... raatliggers + grafieken (zonder en met tussenplaten) ... doorvoer van leidingen; (dimensionering middels grafieken); pp. 247-253
6. Steelwork design guide according to BS 5950; Publication P202; The Steel Construction Institute, Ascot in association with BCSA and British Steel plc; 6e ed. verschijnt juni 2001
(The sixth edition of this popular design guide will provide comprehensive data for the dimensions, properties (including castellated sections), local capacity and overall buckling strengths for all hot rolled sections and standard assemblies of floor plates, and will assist in the rapid design of any section under any combination of axial and/or bending moment. Bolt and weld capacities are also included. The following sections are covered: universal beams, universal columns, joists, bearing piles (and associated tees and castellated sections) and channels. A new edition incorporating the amendments to BS 5950-1:2000 is due June 2001.)
7. Afstudeerwerk TU Delft; Peerdeman. Te raadplegen bij TU Delft of Grünbauer.

Overview of (earlier) detailed literature

1.   Faltus, F.; Prolamované nosníky; Technický Obzor, 25 (1942); pp.151-157 en pp.175-181
2. Válka, K.; Discussie naar aanleiding van bovenstaande artikelen: Technický Obzor, 25 (1942); pp.387-389
3. Faltus, F.; Svařování; pp. 161-164; Česká matice technická, Praag; 1947
4. Altfillisch, M.D., Cooke, B.R. en Toprac, A.A.; An investigation of welded open-web expanded beams; Welding Research Supplement, 22 (1957); pp.77-88
5. Gibson, J.E. en Jenkins, W.M.; An investigation of the stresses and deflections in castellated beams; The Stuctural Engineer, 35 (1957); pp.467-479
6. Toprac, A.A. en Cooke, B.R.; An experimental investigation of open-web beams; Welding Research Council Bulletin Series, No.47; New York, 1959
7. Girkman, K.; Flächentragwerke; 5e Auflage; p.334; Springer Verlag, Wien; 1959
8. Kolosowski, J.; Stresses and deflections in castellated beams; The Stuctural Engineer, 42 (1964); pp.19-24
9. Larnach, W.R. en Park, R.; The behaviour under load of six castellated composite I-beams; Civil Engineering and Public Works Review, 59 (1964); pp.339-343
10. Bazile, A.; Le calcul des poutres ajourées; Revue Construction Métallique No.3 (1964)
11. Boyer, J.P.; Castellated beams - New developments; Engineering Journal American Institute of Steel Construction, 1 (1964); pp.104-108
12. Hänig, C.-H.; Der Wabenträger; Bauplanung-Bautechnik, 21 (1967); pp.437-440
13. Faltus, F.; Berechnung von Wabenträgern; Acier, 5 (1966); pp.245-248
14. Halleux, P.; Étude expérimentale et technique du compartement élastique des poutres métalliques à âme évidée; Revue Française de Mécanique, 18/19 (1966); pp.123-140
15. Bower, J.E.; Experimental stresses in wide-flange beams with holes; Journal of the Structural Division ASCE, Vol.92 No.St5 (1966); pp.167-186
16. Halleux, P.; Grenzanalyse bei Wabenträgern; Acier, 32 (1967); pp.129-141
17. Redwood, R.G. en McCutcheon, J.O.; Beam tests with unreinforced web openings; Journal of the Structural Division ASCE, Vol.94 No.St1 (1968); pp.1-17
18. Bazile, A. en Teier, J.; Essais des poutres ajourées; Construction Métallique, 3 (1968); pp.12-25
19. Delesques, R.; Stabilité des montants des poutres ajourées; Construction Métallique, 3 (1968); pp.26-33
20. Halleux, P.; Le calcul des flèches des poutres métalliques à âme évidée; Centre de Recherches Scientifiques et Techniques de l'Industrie des Fabrications Métalliques, Rapport MT33; 1968
21. Halleux, P.; Les poutres à âme évidée composites acier-béton; Centre de Recherches Scientifiques et Techniques de l'Industrie des Fabrications Métalliques, Rapport MT34; 1968
22. Halleux, P.; Le calcul des poutres métalliques à âme évidée, méthodes et abaques; Centre de Recherches Scientifiques et Techniques de l'Industrie des Fabrications Métalliques, Note Technique No.4; 1968
23. Bower, J.E.; Design of beams with web openings; Journal of the Structural Division ASCE, Vol.94 No.St3 (1968); pp.783-807
24. Bower, J.E.; Ultimate strength of beams with rectangular holes; Journal of the Structural Division ASCE, Vol.94 No.St6 (1968); pp.1315-1337
25. Redwood, R.G.; The strength of steel beams with unreinforced web holes; Civil Engineering and Public Works Review, 64 No.755 (1969); pp.559-562
26. Delesques, R.; Le calcul des poutres ajourées; Construction Métallique, 4 (1969); pp.41-51
27. Tilburgs, C.J.; Experimentele verificatie van de in rapport BI-71-80 gegeven berekeningsmethoden voor raatliggers, gebaseerd op de elasticiteitsleer; Rapport IBBC-TNO No.BI-75-90; z.j.
28. Hosain, M.U. en Speirs, W.G.; An experimental investigation of expanded open-web steel beams; Congres EIC, Ottawa; 1970
29. Hosain, M.U. en Speirs, W.G.; Versagen von Wabenträgern infolge Schubbruches der Pfostenschweißnähte; Acier, 1 (1971); pp.34-40
30. Berkelder, A.G.J.; Optimale dimensionering van stalen plaat- (en raat-) liggers; Bouwen met Staal, 16 (1971)
31. Barbré, R., Schmidt, H. en Kanning, W.; Forschungsvorhaben Wabenträger; Zwischenbericht 7102 des Instituts für Stahlbau der TU Braunschweig; 1971
32. Porter, D.M., Rockey, K.C. en Evans, H.R.; The collapse behaviour of plate girders loaded in shear; The Structural Engineer, 51 (1973)
33. Hosain, M.U. en Speirs, W.G.; Experiments on castellated steel beams; Welding Journal, August 1973
34. Calambos, A.R., Hosain, M.U. en Speirs, W.G.; Optimum expansion ratio of castellated steel beams; International Symposium of Optimization in Civil Engineering, Liverpool; 1973
35. Timmermans, A.R.J.; Gelaste plaatliggers; Bouwen met Staal, 27 (1974)
36. Ypey, E.; Stabiliteit van brede plaatvelden; Bouwen met Staal, 28 (1974)
37. Barbré, R. en Koch, K.-F.; Untersuchungen zur Dauerschwingfestigkeit eines Wabenträgers aus IPB-1000 mit Peiner Schnittführung; Zwischenbericht 7405 des Instituts für Stahlbau der TU Braunschweig; 1974
38. Kanning, W.; Theoretische und experimentelle Untersuchingen über den Einfluß der Schnittführung von Wabenträgern auf deren Traglast; Diss. Braunschweig; 1974
39. Pittner, K.-J.; Über die Berechnung von Wabenträgern mit linearem und nicht-linearem Verhalten; Diss. Braunschweig; 1976
40. Fruitet, L.; Quels sont les avantages des poutrelles ajourées? Quelles sont les conditions favorables d'emploi?; Courier technique de l'Office Technique pour l'Utilisation de l'Acier, 22 (1981); pp. 2-4
41. Nethercot, D.A.; Lateral-torsional buckling of castellated beams; The Structural Engineer, 60-B (1982)
42. Zaarour, W. en Redwood, R.; Web buckling in thin-webbed castellated beams; Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol.122, No.8 (1996); paper 11030
43. Redwood, R. en Demirdjian, S.; Castellated beam web buckling in shear; Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol.124, No.10 (1998); paper 17436

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